Case Reports

Internal Hernia – Mini Case Report

Mini Case Report  HPI  68 yo F with PMHx of Polio, HTN and arrhythmias presents to the ED with abdominal pain and nausea X 1 week. Pain is in the periumbilical region,10/10 intensity, squeezing in nature, radiates to the epigastric region and is not responsive to OTC pain meds and omeprazole. She also endorsed chills, shortness of breath, diarrhea that started the day prior. She denies fever, chest pain, palpitations, vomiting, headache, LOC, constipation. Pt still has her appendix, PSHx of Gastric bypass 12 years prior.  PE  Moderate epigas

Conference Summaries

Conference Summary 8/4/21

7a: Mike Cyd - CCU/EKG lecture #2 / Mallory - Methadone Lecture8a: Resident lectures: Ivan / Robert (please send me your topics soon)9a: BREAK / Dr Jeong - Coney's Complex Cases Review (Summer 2021)1030a: Dr Kindschuh + Geoff - M+M Case - Posterior Stroke (Admin block lecture)11a: Resident Meeting - Aug 2021 / Faculty Meeting Aug 2021  GENERAL RESIDENCY UPDATES Link from Dr. Jeong: EMRAP Delta variant updates (8min podcast): LINKDr Kindschuh - some housekeeping stuff about the Breezy Point Community Outreach event (next week)Replaces conference on Weds 08/1

Conference Summaries

Conference Summary 7/28/21

7a: Resident Lectures: Eugene - Steroids / Hamzah - Non-traumatic vision loss (both really cool topics)8a: Dr Sun - Hyperkalemia / Mike Cyd - CCU/EKG lecture #19a: BREAK / TJ - SIM LAB10a: TJ - SIM LAB11a: TJ - SIM LAB QA with Dr. KindscuhTalked about some recent cases with potential lawsuitsMethadone OD should get ICU consult and at the very least admitted for tele for 24 hoursGI codeRockall score >10% → go to resus roomGBS score >50% → get GI fellow downWe will be switching from alteplase to tenecteplaseSEPSIS code, call them more often, we need more dat

Conference Summaries

Conference Summary 7/14/21

7a: Dr Shee - LVADs in the ED8a: Resident Lectures: Geoff - Bradyarrhythmias / BJ - Trauma9a: Dr Rizzo - How To Call A Consultant--postponed for another day / Dr Rizzo - SAH podcast (last week's)10a: Break / Mallory - Addiction Lecture (Methadone and other opioids)---postponed for another day11a: Dr Jeong - Core Concept Lecture --postponed for another day Dr Shee - LVADs in the EDLVAD = continuous flow, no pulse, DO have a MAP, use manual cuff or USHow to get MAP with US: find radial artery, inflate cuff until no flow, when flow starts as you deflate.. That’s your M

Conference Summaries

Conference Summary 7/7/21

7a: Dr Nguyen, Dr Rizzo + Dr. Jeong - Introduction to the 2021-2022 academic year. Review of residency policy and responsibility8a: Brenda / Dima - Resident Lecture (TBD)9a: TJ - Airway 101 10a: Dr Rizzo - Podcast Chat11a: Dr Rizzo - Podcast Chat Some general updates from Dr. JeongResearch: couple of big projects for the residency to tackle as a teamDr. Jeong in charge of the transition committee to the new building, will be moving to new building in 1 yearCommunity outreach for stroke, breezy point 7a: Dr Nguyen, Dr Rizzo + Dr. Jeong: Intro to academic year2 confere

Conference Summaries

Conference Summary 6/30/31

Conference Notes 6/30/31 8-830 - Welcome Interns 830-9 - GI Code - Dr. Kindschuh9 - Thinking like an EM Doctor - Reuben Strayer10 - Addiction Lecture - Dr. Radeos11 - wellness at the beach (weather permitting) Cute notes from TJ for residents and welcome to interns, we ❤️ TJCODE GI (Dr. Kindscuh)New code that will be activated for all GI bleed patient with tachycardia/hypotensionWhen activated pt will be taken to resus room, IV/labs/iSTAT and senior IM resident will come downCan use these scores to assist your clinical judgementRockall scoreGlasgow-Blatchford Bl

Case Reports

Renal Papillary Necrosis Case Report

Case Report (Sickle Cell Disease and Rhabdomyolysis vs. Renal Papillary Necrosis)  31 yo M w/ hx of sickle cell disease (SCD) presents to the ED c/o gross hematuria x 12 days. Pt  reports hematuria began shortly after exercising and has remained constant with each episode  of urination. Pt denies experiencing any similar sx’s previously. No abdominal pain, dysuria,  back pain, fever, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, myalgias. Otherwise, pt states he feels perfectly  normal. Pt was sent to ED from clinic for further evaluation.  Vitals stable.

TJ Tidbits

Nail Trauma

Nail Trauma Brief Anatomy Overview: Topics to discuss:-Acrylic Nail Injury-Subungual Hematoma management -Nail Bed Injuries and management - cosmetic importance, prevent infection, enhance tactile sensation, enhancement of picking up objects, protects digits from mechanical injuries Why Should we care? 1) Acrylic Nail Injury 21 year old female presents to ED with “broken nail.” Patient had acrylic nails placed 2 weeks ago and accidentally slammed her right thumb into car door 2 hours ago, and heard a crack. She noticed bleeding at the sit

TJ Tidbits

A note on ARVD

Hey so after some reading just thought I’d share some info on ARVD. This can be tricky to diagnose for many reasons. 1) What does it stand for? Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia (common to replace Dysplasia with Cardiomyopathy). It’s the second most common death in young people <35yo with males more common than females (up to 20% of SCD in young).  (Bonus points: what’s the most common death in young people?) Interns..? 2) Two types: autosomal dominant (most common we see) and autosomal recessive (Naxos Disease, watch out for people with Itali

Sunday Scaries

Angioedema (Sunday Scary)

Now to the Scary -- ANGIOEDEMA Background -- Angioedema is a paroxysmal, non-demarcated swelling of dermal or submucosal layers of skin / mucosa. Swelling is typically asymmetric, non-pitting and nonpruritic but can be associated with allergic features.  isolated uvular angioedema (Quincke's disease) is a rare presentationcauses: trauma, inhalation, general anesthesia, meds (ACEI), infections, hereditary Etiologies  ACE-I (bradykinin) Hereditary Autosomal DominantC1 esterase deficiency --> unregulated bradykinin associated with compli