Sunday Scaries

The ‘Dislodged’ PEG Tube – Sunday Scary

The "Dislodged" PEG Tube This is a CLASSIC Coney patient. 83yr old nursing home patient arrives with chief complaint of "dislodge peg tube" or "peg tube needs replacement", completely contracted and luckily the nursing home staff was nice enough to send the chewed up old tube in a chuck with the patient.-->What do you do next? What if this tube has been out for an extended period of time? What if the tube is still in the patient but they are requesting a change? Step 1: Determine the time frame the tube was placed AND how long the tube has been dislodged A

Sunday Scaries

Tetanus – Sunday Scary

The Importance of the Tetanus Vaccination In case you've missed this little gem last month: Summary: unvaccinated 6 yr old Oregon boy sustained lac to the forehead and his hipster parent cleaned and sutured the lac at home. Boy got tetanus (surprise, surprise) and spent several weeks in the PICU fighting for his life. After a million dollars of medical care, parents again refused to give tetanus vaccination Tetanus Schedule Reminder: DTap and Tdap have coverage for diptheria, pertussis and tetanusTd (recommended in adults >65yrs not in contact with y

Sunday Scaries

What’s the Deal with UTIs – Sunday Scary

Urinary Tract Infection The Case: 60-something year old male presents to the ED with signs of urinary frequency and feelings of incomplete voiding. When you see the UA results there are moderate nitrites, moderate leukocyte esterases but NO urine bacteria. Your attending turns to you and says "Why did you order rocephin for sterile pyuria, there are no bacteria", and you turn to your attending to say "because I should have finished this Sunday scary weeks ago. i loathe weird UAs" The UTI Breakdown Upper and Lower Urinary Tract Upper = Kidneys and Ureter (P

Sunday Scaries

Anterior Hip Dislocation (Sunday Scary)

The Case: 71 yr old female (on Coumadin) presents to the ED after a slip and fall. Pt is laying on the stretcher complaining of left hip pain. What you see when you walk up to the bed is the patient laying like this: Patient had distal pedal pulses, sensation and movement intact and with make shift measurement, it looked as though the malleoli were lined up (no real length discrepancy) After addressing that this little lady was not bleeding in her head, she received x-rays of her left extremity and pelvis: ANTERIOR HIP DISLOCATION IN A NATIVE HIP The Hi

Sunday Scaries

Urine-time – Sunday Scary

What do you really know about the Urine Analysis? Daily Questions on Shift: This UA shows negative nitrites, negative leuks but TNTC bacteria. "WHAT?!" UA shows multiple epithelial cells. "okay this patient didn't listen to my request for a clean catch". (or my recent favorite) my inbox: urine culture shows "why the hell did i order a culture and now i'm the only one to respond to this!?!?" Urine has been really pissing me off lately. Things we might have forgotten about Urine: -Bedside Analysis: Color, Transparency, Odor, DipstickColor: As much as kno


The Blakemore/Minnesota Tube – Sunday Scary

Controlling the Upper GI Bleed...DROP THE TUBE! The Case: 40-something yr old female, known alcoholic with history of esophageal varices presents to the ED with upper GI bleed. Pt is unstable and you gain control of the airway, place a left femoral cordis and start MTP with the rapid infuser. While GI, Surgery, ICU are all at bedside debating what to do, you make numerous suggestions to place a Blakemore (or in our beloved Coney ED a Minnesota) with everyone looking at you in bewilderment on how to place one. Indications to place the tube: -The unstable pa